My Ladies

My ladies, stop comparing yourself to other girls. We are all beautiful and unique in our own ways. I know I have a bad habit of comparing myself to other girls especially if I think my boyfriend thinks they’re cute, but that’s an insecurity within myself….always trying to be better than the next chick. We (girls) have a horrible habit of tearing each other down instead of trying to uplift one another. Everyone is beautiful….sure you may not have a feature that the other girl has but that doesn’t make you any less pretty. And STOP letting this men make you feel like you have to look a certain way….if that’s the case then he ain’t the one for you. Be with someone who thinks you are beautiful even on your worst days when you want to crawl back in bed and try it again tomorrow. Find someone who looks at you for more than just your breast or your ass….Find someone who can make you feel special. Too often have I put myself down thinking that my boyfriend didn’t think I was as pretty as other girls…when in fact it has been myself looking and wanting to be like someone else. Embrace what makes you you and love yourself flaws and all. How about this…the next time you go to talk bad about someone try to find something to compliment them about instead.

2 thoughts on “My Ladies

  1. Arielle says:

    I totally agree! I think that with the media, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, being jealous and envying them. I think we should help each others out and help boost our self esteem ❤ I really love your blog by the way, your posts are all so beautiful and inspiring 🙂 I am so glad I got to discover you ❤

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